Jaringan yang ada sebagai berikut
gren1 -- site1 ---- internet
green1 adalah
site1 dengan IP Public dengan hostname site1.localdomain
Langkah langkanya di sisi IPCOP
1. Global Setting
isi "Public IP or FQDN for RED interface or <%defaultroute>:" dengan, check "enabled" dan tekan Save
2. Generate Root/Host Certificates
Tekan tombol "Generate Root/Host Certificates" dan isikan berikut dibawah
- Organization name : site1
- IPCops Hostname : site1.localdomain
- country : indonesia
- Tekan tombol "Generate Root/Host Certificates" dan tunggu beberapa saat
- IPCops Hostname : site1.localdomain
- country : indonesia
- Tekan tombol "Generate Root/Host Certificates" dan tunggu beberapa saat
3. Membuat Koneksi
di site1 : Tekan tombol "ADD" dan pilih "host-to-net" Virtual Private Network(Roadwarrior)" untuk conection type dan isikan dibawah ini
-Name : site1
- Host IP address : Red (
- local subnet :
- di "Authentication" pilih "generate a certificate" dan isikan sbb
> User's full name or ystem hostname : site1.localdomain
> Contry : indonesia
> PKCS12 File Password : passwordku
> PKCS12 File Password:(confirmation) : passwordku
- tekan tombol Save
- Host IP address : Red (
- local subnet :
- di "Authentication" pilih "generate a certificate" dan isikan sbb
> User's full name or ystem hostname : site1.localdomain
> Contry : indonesia
> PKCS12 File Password : passwordku
> PKCS12 File Password:(confirmation) : passwordku
- tekan tombol Save
5. download certifate dari koneksi yang telah kita buat.
6. jalankan perintah berikut dan catat hasil nya
# openssl x509 -in /var/ipcop/certs/cacert.pem -noout -subject
Langkah langkah di sisi client (windows XP)
1. Download ipsec.exe utility dari http://vpn.ebootis.de dan unzip di c:/ipsec
2. buat IPSEC + Certificates MMC
- Start/Run/MMC
- File (or Console)
- Add/Remove Snap-in
- Click on 'Add'
- Click on 'Certificates', then 'Add'
- Select 'Computer Account', and 'Next'.
-Select 'Local computer', and 'Finish'.
-Click on 'IP Security Policy Management', and 'Add'
-Select 'Local Computer', and 'Finish'
- Click 'Close' then 'OK'
- File (or Console)
- Add/Remove Snap-in
- Click on 'Add'
- Click on 'Certificates', then 'Add'
- Select 'Computer Account', and 'Next'.
-Select 'Local computer', and 'Finish'.
-Click on 'IP Security Policy Management', and 'Add'
-Select 'Local Computer', and 'Finish'
- Click 'Close' then 'OK'
3. menambah certificate
- Click tanda + di 'Certificates (Local Computer)'
- Right-click 'Personal', and click 'All Tasks' then 'Import'
- Click Next
- pilih file site1.p12 atau browse file tersebut, and click 'Next'
- masukkan password, and click Next
- Select 'Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate', and click Next
- Click Finish, and say yes to any prompts that pop up
- Exit the MMC, and save
- Right-click 'Personal', and click 'All Tasks' then 'Import'
- Click Next
- pilih file site1.p12 atau browse file tersebut, and click 'Next'
- masukkan password, and click Next
- Select 'Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate', and click Next
- Click Finish, and say yes to any prompts that pop up
- Exit the MMC, and save
4. Set up Ipsec utility
edit file ipsec.conf di c:/ipsec ganti "RightCA" dengan hasil dari perintah 'openssl x509 -in /var/ipcop/certs/cacert.pem -noout -subject'; dan sesuaikan dengan contoh dibawah;
5. Jalan ipsecconn site1
rightca="C=ID,O=site1,CN=site1 CA"
rightca="C=ID,O=site1,CN=site1 CA"
c:\ipsec\ipsec dan kita bisa melakukan test koneksi dengan Ping ke green IP di IPCOP
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